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How to Keep Your Husband Happy

All joking aside, dealing with an unhappy husband can be absolutely miserable. After the initial wedding bliss wears off and everything goes back to normal things can often get tough pretty quickly. Here are 20 ways to keep your husband happy.

Happy Husband, Happy Life

Image result for sexy wife and husband

1. Show respect.

Make sure your husband knows that he is your number one. Even if you don't feel like he is always respectful to you. Don't degrade him in front of his family or friends. Always be respectful of how he feels about something even if you might not agree.

2. Show interest in his hobbies.

This doesn't mean you have to be with him every time he plays basketball with his buddies. More so, be aware of the things he likes. If he really like to hunt, subscribe to a hunting magazine that he likes or buy him a piece of gear that you know he's had his eye on. Being interested does not all ways have to mean being fully involved.

3. Have sex.

This may seem like an obvious statement, but very important. I'm not just saying have sex a couple times a week. I mean, enjoy sex. Initiate sex. Be totally invested in the act as much as possible. Sex is a very important and essential act to men. Show him you love him by loving on him. Get into the act and set you insecurities aside. This is the man you said your vows to and are going to spend the rest of your life with. Explore each other's bodies and have fun!

4. Do something unexpected.

Stop by the grocery store or bakery on your way home and pick up his favorite treat. Book a weekend away together. Give him a massage when he gets home. It's not always the job of a man to do these kinds of things. As a dedicated wife, you must surprise your husband and remind him of the fun woman he fell in love with.

5. Be yourself, all the time.

Be yourself. Be the woman he knows sitting at home on the couch. This doesn't mean you need to belch in public or walk around in your holey sweatpants all the time. This just means, don't put up a front for the ladies in your child's class or act snotty in front of his friends. You are who he fell in love with, never feel like you have to be someone else.

6. Let it go.

If there is something that your husband did in the past that really upset you, yet you have said you have forgiven him for, just let it go. Whether it's the anniversary he forgot or heaven forbid the woman he slept with while you two were dating. If you have said you have forgiven him, stop bringing it up. It may be an easy way to push his buttons in an unrelated argument, but know it is detrimental to any relationship to hold on to things that are meant to stay in the past.

7. Take care of him.

When your husband is feeling under the weather, take care of him. Don't make fun of him because he's acting like a baby. Most likely, he is acting like a baby, but let him know you are there for him. Make him his favorite meal, go to the store to get medicane, and let him watch his favorite TV show. In the same respect, if he is just having a crappy day, give him his space and let him know that you are there for him if he needs you.

8. Don't nag.

This is probably one of the most obvious statement, but often the hardest to comply to. If there is something your husband does that drives you crazy, let him know, in a calm matter of fact way. Don't constantly be on his case for something. Especially something he can't immediately change. Nagging causes annoyance. Annoyance eventually causes resentment.

9. Trust.

Unless your husband has given your real reason to not trust him, always give him the benefit of the doubt. Most likely you have been cheated on or hurt in a past relationship, but don't let that baggage follow you into your marriage. Don't snoop in his phone, check his email, or spy on him when he's out with his friends.

10. Call him out.

Yep, you heard me right, call him out---when he is wrong. Don't let him walk all over you. Be the strong, independent woman he fell in love with. Don't bend over to anything he says just to "make it easier". Men respect when you call them out in a respectful manner.

11. Stop trying to change him.

Don't try to change your guy into someone, that he obviously is not. Unless, it is something that is causing him harm (alcoholism, smoking, drugs, etc.), there is no reason to change. If you married him for who he is, let him stay who he is.

12. Send him sexy texts.

Let him know you're thinking about him. Not everyday, all day. But once a week or so, send him a cute text letting him know what you want to do with him when he gets home.

13. Be understanding.

If something comes up with his work schedule and he has to stay for a late meeting, don't freak. Yeah, sure, he missed dinner (again), but at least he is calling and letting you know. From time to time, things will come up where you will be disappointed. Don't overreact, take a deep breathe and understand.

14. Comfortable home.

Depending on if you're a stay-at-home mom or work yourself is all relative. If you stay home with the kids during the day, make sure your home is inviting when you're husband is almost home. Pick up the little things. Of course, it can't always be perfect, but try to make home as relaxing as possible. Don't pass the kids off immediately when he walks in the door. Let him unwind. If you work as well, share responsibilities when you get home, or do the things you know he dreads the most.

15. Cook for him.

Obviously, we can't all be Suzy homemaker. Especially if we have a career of our own. But, take the time to cook for him from time to time. If you aren't a great cook, learn a few of his favorite dishes and try to perfect them. Use the endless food blogs and even Pinterest to find some new creations that can be simple and fast. Making the effort will show that you care about him and his tummy.

16. Take care of yourself.

We can't all have flat stomachs and perfectly applied makeup at all times. But, you can do simple things for him (and yourself) to show him your beauty. Sometimes marriages can put us in a rut and we no longer think it's necessary to look nice for our spouse. Brush your teeth, take a shower, and leave the ratty sweatpants in the drawer. Do yoga when you can, wear your favorite little sundress, and flaunt what you have! Your husband will likely return the favor and make himself look amazing!

17. Tell him you love him.

Sometimes, as a woman, we can can forget how vulnerable our man is. Make sure you tell him you love him, often. Just as we like to be told we are loved and cuddled, men like to be reassured with the same. Make sure he knows how much he means to you.

18. Don't expect too much.

Life is not a romantic comedy. Men do not always have the most suave things to say. Don't expect every day to be a fairy tail. Your man is going to mess up, and he's going to mess up a lot. Don't always expect after every fight a long letter of apology or a dozen roses. Sure, it would be nice every once in a while, but realize that men are wired differently than us. What we are thinking in our head that he should do it most always NOT what he is going to do. Realize that all those romantic movies are most likely written by women.

19. Lighten up.

Remember when you and your husband first starting dating? You were the carefree woman who laughed and flirted? Life's stress can really take a toll on a relationship, and sometimes we forget to laugh. Flirt with your husband. Tell stupid jokes. Reminisce about funny things that happened. Life can't always be fun and games, but let it be sometimes.

20. If something's bad, try to make it better.

Inevitably, there will be bumpy times in your relationship. If it has come to a point that you're not sure where to turn, try you hardest to make things right. This doesn't mean endlessly talk about what you should be doing, DO IT! Schedule the counseling session. If you truly love your husband and want to make things right, don't always expect him to make the first step.
Of course, 20 things won't always create a perfect marriage. Do the things you know makes your husband happy and enjoy the ride that is marriage!
What do you do that makes your husband happy? Men, what do you wish your wife would do?


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